The colon (large intestine) is a hollow, tube like organ made up of a muscle structure that moves toxic materials along by a wave-like motion known as peristaltic action. The use of laxatives weakens the muscle and makes it moves in a sporadic motion, also creating dependency. From the beginning of the large intestine to the rectum, it is approximately 5 to 6 feet long.
When a person is constipated, the walls of the colon are generally packed or lined with accumulated feces. This makes the muscle unable to contract fully and with extended periods of intestinal overload by failure to respond to the immediate call of nature, we teach that muscle not to move. When the colon is in this condition, it can neither absorb nor eliminate properly. Blood and water from this system circulates through every organ in the body and reaches every cell. To properly clean the body tissue, we must first start by cleaning the bowel and making sure that muscle contracts regularly. It took time to pollute our bodies to the point of dis-ease, so it also takes time to reverse that process through a series of internal cleansing. There is also bad bacteria, parasites, toxic waste and other organisms that inhabit the colon.
The average person is carrying several pounds (5 to 70) of dried fecal matter impacted in the colon as a result of eating fast foods, cooked foods, flour, meat, fat, dairy products, sugar, alcohol and preservatives and not drinking enough good water.
Average food transit time is 12-24 hours in a healthy colon, 24-48 hours or more in an unhealthy colon. I have seen clients who have bowel movements once every two or three days and some only once a week. Even once a day indicates the colon (bodies sewer system) is in trouble.
In America, over two million people every year are diagnosed with colon disease. Remember, the saying “Life and Death begins in the Colon”. Cancer of the colon is second only to heart disease as the most frequent cause of death. Almost everyone has a form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or constipation .
Cleansing and rebuilding a poorly functioning colon is one of the most important steps you can take to achieve an improved state of health.
Surprisingly, healthy elimination should be within 20 to 30 minutes after eating. If you eat three to five times a day, your bowel should move accordingly. Bowel movements once a day or every two or three days are considered normal in America. While this may be common, it is not sufficient to maintain health.
Foul smelling stools and gas are also a danger signs. The health color of your stool should be a golden brown and have minimal odor. This is caused by longer transition time in your system with residues lying in your colon for more than 12 hours. This results in the distribution of poisons in the bloodstream and every organ of your body which is called toxemia or autointoxication.
There are three habits working against Mother Nature.
First is eating refined and processed and fast foods. They do not provide quality energy to our cellular structure and to the organs responsible for the elimination of waste matter. Second is neglecting to stop everything we are doing to answer the call of nature. Third is not drinking enough water. We should drink enough water to equal half our body weight in ounces daily. Drinking water up to one half hour before and after meals and not during meals will not dilute our digestive juices.
A toxic bowel is the sources of many health problems. Colon cleansing is a valuable procedure that activates the body’s self-healing process by washing out old toxic build up that sticks to the walls of the colon, thereby allowing a more efficient means of waste elimination and nutrient absorption. Also using the warm and cold water will enhance the muscle action into working like it should. Both are essential to any lasting rejuvenation process. This is also the first step toward normalizing the colon so that friendly bacteria can return to keep the colon safe from putrefaction.
Copyright© 2018, Kathy L. Roberts. All rights reserved.
NOTE: The material written on this website is not meant to diagnose, treat, or otherwise prescribe. It is meant to be an information resource and educational tool for both professionals and non-professionals. It should not be a substitute for your physician's advice. *Mandatory Disclaimer: The FDA has not verified any of these statements. The products and statements listed on this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Descriptions are provided for informational use only and are not intended to replace the advice of a licensed professional. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.